Search results for 'regulation'

Showing 461 - 480 of 617 results

  1. Maintaining and improving Britain’s railway stations

    Report Value for money

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    Passengers’ satisfaction with Britain’s railway stations has improved a little in recent years, but remains low for many stations and for many of the facilities provided at them, according to a report by the National Audit Office. There are also increasing passenger capacity pressures at some of the largest stations during peak periods. There is […]

  2. Department of Health: The National Programme for IT in the NHS

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office reported to Parliament today the results of its examination of the National Programme for IT in the NHS. The Programme’s scope, vision and complexity are wider and more extensive than any ongoing or planned healthcare IT programme in the world and it represents the largest single IT investment in the UK […]

  3. Returning Failed Asylum Applicants

    Report Value for money

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported today that the Home Office’s Immigration and Nationality Directorate has increased its capacity for removing failed asylum applicants but the number of people removed or returning voluntarily each month is still less than the number of unsuccessful cases (Based on the period April to December […]

  4. Opra: Tackling the risks to pension scheme members

    Report Value for money

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    Opra, the UK body responsible for regulating the governance of work-based pensions, needs to build on its achievements by focusing more closely on the risks to the members of pension schemes, according to a report published to Parliament today by Sir John Bourn, the head of the National Audit Office. The report concludes that Opra […]

  5. The UK competition regime

    Press release

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    The newly-created Competition and Markets Authority has made significant progress in improving how the UK’s competition regime works, and it is now more coherent than before. Business awareness of competition law, however, is low and while it has improved the robustness of its enforcement casework, the regime has so far not produced a substantial flow of enforcement decisions or fines.

  6. Driving the Successful Delivery of Major Defence Projects: Effective Project Control

    Report Value for money

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    Overview The National Audit Office published today its “gold standard” for project control of major defence projects. This aims to help the MoD improve its performance in delivering projects on time and to budget. It forms part of a second in a suite of studies exploring key project success factors and how the MoD and […]

  7. The £13 billion sale of former Northern Rock assets

    Press release

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    The disposal of former Northern Rock mortgages and loans in 2015 was the government’s largest ever financial asset sale. When judged against the Government’s objective to shrink the balance sheet swiftly the deal was value for money.

  8. Office of Fair Trading: Protecting the Consumer from Unfair Trading Practices

    Report Value for money

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    Consumers spend some £400 billion each year on goods and services bought from the private sector. The Audit Commission and the National Audit Office have concluded that there is scope for a real improvement in the way in which consumers’ interests are protected. In a joint initiative the two audit organisations have looked at consumer […]

  9. Protecting consumers from scams, unfair trading and unsafe goods

    Press release

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    The report examines the system protecting consumers from scams, unfair trading, and unsafe goods. BEIS has made progress since our 2011 review, but needs to do more, particularly in the context of the growth of e-commerce.

  10. Financial management in the European Union

    Report Value for money

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    A report today from the National Audit Office summarises the results of the European Court of Auditors’ examination of the European Union’s accounts for 2007 and progress on the range of initiatives taken forward by the Commission and Member States. For the first time the Court provided a positive Statement of Assurance, without qualification, on […]

  11. Office of gas supply: Giving Customers a Choice – The Introduction of Competition into the Domestic Gas Market

    Report Value for money

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, told Parliament today that the introduction of competition into the domestic gas market has benefited customers through lower prices, greater choice and better service. Some 20 million domestic customers currently spend around £6 billion a year on gas and so far over 4 million have switched […]

  12. Managing the Defence Estate

    Report Value for money

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported today that the Ministry of Defence is successfully introducing new management and contractual arrangements to deliver a better quality estate and has embarked on a major programme of estate rationalisation. However, more needs to be done to ensure that the benefits of these changes are […]

  13. Action to Improve Passenger Rail Services

    Report Value for money

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, told Parliament today that the Shadow Strategic Rail Authority (SSRA) and its predecessor organisation, the Office of Passenger Rail Franchising (OPRAF), had taken action where possible to remedy underperformance by passenger train operators but that the present franchise arrangements could be improved to secure better performance. […]