Search results for 'All'

Showing 441 - 460 of 1294 results

  1. Review of the Thames Tideway Tunnel

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This report examines the evidence base supporting the decision to proceed with the Thames Tideway Tunnel, a tunnel running 25 kilometres from Acton to Abbey Mills, as well as progress achieved to date.

  2. Strategic financial management in the Ministry of Defence

    Report Value for money

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    The Ministry of Defence’s strategy for improving its financial management has put its finances on a sounder footing and is delivering results, but there are still considerable challenges ahead, including delivering the savings already removed from budget allocations.

  3. Management of the BBC’s critical projects

    Report Value for money

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    BBC has improved the way it manages its business critical projects. Most are on course to deliver and achieve their intended benefits but needs to do more to manage its critical projects as a coherent portfolio.

  4. Personalised commissioning in adult social care

    Report Value for money

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    The Department of Health now needs to gain a better understanding of the different ways to commission personalised services for users, and how these lead to improvements in user outcomes.

  5. Transforming Rehabilitation

    Report Value for money

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    Probation services have been restructured on time and within cost targets during a period of major change but operational problems and risks to further service transformation need to be resolved if re-offending levels are to reduce.

  6. Energy bills support

    Press release

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    BEIS worked quickly to introduce financial support for rising energy bills (currently estimated at £69bn), recognising it had to make compromises.

  7. Follow-up on the Charity Commission

    Report Value for money

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    The Charity Commission has made early progress in addressing NAO and Public Accounts Committee recommendations, but significant challenges remain.

  8. Progress in Making e-services Accessible to All: Encouraging use by Older People

    Report Value for money

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    More needs to be done to encourage older people – an increasingly large proportion of the population – to use government e-services if those services are to provide value for money, according to the National Audit Office. The government set itself a target that everyone who wants access to the internet has it by the […]

  9. Discharging older patients from hospital

    Report Value for money

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    There are currently far too many older people in hospitals who do not need to be there. Without radical action, this problem will worsen and add further financial strain to the NHS and local government.

  10. General Practice Extraction Service – Investigation

    Report Value for money

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    Mistakes in the original procurement and contract management of an IT system, designed to extract data from GP practices, contributed to losses of public funds, through asset write-offs and settlements with suppliers.

  11. The role of prescribed persons

    Report Value for money

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    The wider government needs to do more to understand the experience of whistleblowers and to act where whistleblowers suffer detriment.#

  12. Efficiency savings require learning past lessons

    Press release

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    The head of the National Audit Office will today (Thursday 8 December) outline lessons from its reports into the government’s handling of COVID-19 in a keynote speech at the Houses of Parliament. Gareth Davies, Comptroller & Auditor General, will also offer guidance for decision-makers seeking public spending efficiencies against a tough economic backdrop. Davies was […]

  13. Support for innovation to deliver net zero

    Press release

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    Our new study looks at whether the government is set up to deliver value for money from its approach to investment in pursuit of net zero.

  14. Investigation into the Digital Services Tax

    Press release

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    The Digital Services Tax has raised more revenue than forecast by the Government and increased the amount of UK tax paid by big digital companies. HMRC’s compliance work is ongoing and it has yet to identify any non-compliance among business groups, according to a report by the National Audit Office.

  15. The effective management of tax reliefs

    Report Value for money

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    HM Treasury and HMRC do not keep track of tax reliefs intended to change behaviour, or adequately report to Parliament on whether tax reliefs work as expected.