Search results for 'COVID-19'

Showing 21 - 40 of 258 results

  1. From COVID-19 to Net Zero: How can regulation respond to change?


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    In September 2021, the NAO hosted a virtual seminar From COVID-19 to Net Zero: How can regulation respond to change? It was an opportunity to hear from thought leaders in regulatory policy and practice on adapting to change in challenging times. Regulation in the UK has entered a period of considerable change, from EU Exit […]

  2. Auditing the government’s response to COVID-19

    Insight Opinion

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    I last posted to this blog in late April as the country was in the teeth of the COVID-19 pandemic, explaining how we were maintaining our operations and adjusting our work programme in the light of the government response to the virus. Now, in late July, most of the UK is gradually emerging from lockdown […]

  3. COVID-19: What it means for the NAO

    Insight Opinion

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    With Parliament returning yesterday, I wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on the last few extraordinary weeks and set out what it means for the National Audit Office and its work. Firstly though, on behalf of the whole NAO, I would like to pay tribute to everyone who is working so hard to see […]

  4. Better data means better services – so how can government get there?

    Insight Opinion

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    The shielding programme was a swift government wide response to identify and protect clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) people against COVID-19. Our recent report on Protecting and supporting the clinically extremely vulnerable during lockdown, shows how government quickly recognised the need to provide food, medicines and basic care to those CEV people shielding. This had to […]