Search results for 'Business and industry'

Showing 361 - 380 of 645 results

  1. Private Finance Projects

    Report Value for money

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    This paper has been prepared for the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee to support their inquiry on Private Finance.

  2. Commercial skills for complex government projects

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office has warned that the value for money of 43 major government projects worth around £200 billion is at risk because of significant weaknesses in the Government’s commercial skills and expertise. But there is an even greater risk to many other complex projects where skills shortages are not being assessed systematically. The […]

  3. Reducing the cost of complying with regulations: The delivery of the Administrative Burdens Reduction Programme, 2007

    Report Value for money

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    The NAO has found that departments are committed to identifying possible reductions and are taking a pragmatic approach to identifying measures to reduce burdens. The departments evaluated in the NAO study are seeking to reduce quantified administrative burdens, but also deliver wider improvements in the regulatory environment by tackling aspects of regulation that businesses find […]

  4. Investigation into the Bounce Back Loan Scheme

    Press release

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    This investigation describes the scheme’s purpose and how it functions, performance to date, and how government manages value-for-money risks.

  5. The compensation scheme for former Icelandic water trawlermen

    Report Value for money

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    The Department of Trade and Industrys scheme to compensate former UK trawlermen who lost their jobs as a result of settlement of the Cod Wars with Iceland cost some 43 million, 18 million more than initially estimated. Some claims took a long time to process and the NAO could be certain about the accuracy of […]

  6. Ofwat – Meeting the demand for water

    Report Value for money

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    Ofwat has secured better data on the amount of water leaking from water companies’ systems, according a report to Parliament by Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, but there is uncertainty over the effectiveness of water efficiency projects that seek to help consumers waste less water. The Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) […]

  7. HM Revenue & Customs’ estate private finance deal eight years on

    Report Value for money

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    By transferring ownership or leases of around 60 per cent of its estate (591 properties) to a private contractor, Mapeley, in 2001, the Inland Revenue and HM Customs & Excise planned to reduce their running costs and had the opportunity to save up to £1.2 billion by reducing the size of the estate. However, in […]

  8. Student loan repayments

    Report Value for money

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    BIS will not be well-placed to secure value for money on student loan repayments until it has a more robust strategy to improve collection performance.

  9. The performance and management of hospital PFI contracts

    Report Value for money

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    Most PFI hospital contracts are well-managed and the evidence indicates that they are currently achieving the value for money expected when the contracts were signed. There continue to be risks, however, to the long-term value for money of these contracts.

  10. The Procurement of Criminal Legal Aid in England and Wales by the Legal Services Commission

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office has today reported to Parliament that there are risks to value for money from the way the Legal Services Commission (the LSC) administers and procures legal aid for criminal cases. In 2008-09, the Commission spent more than £1.1 billion on criminal legal aid – legal assistance for people suspected of or […]

  11. Environmental tax measures

    Press release

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    This report examines how HM Treasury and HMRC manage tax measures that have an impact on the environment.

  12. The Financial Services Authority: A Review under Section 12 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000

    Report Value for money

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    Five years after its creation the Financial Services Authority, the independent body regulating the financial services industry in the UK, is a well-established regulator with an impressive set of processes and structures to help tackle high-risk organisations and markets. It now needs to streamline and fully integrate these processes and structures, and increase its focus […]

  13. Evaluation of regulatory impact assessments 2006-07

    Report Value for money

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    Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIAs), used to assess the need for, and potential impact of, new regulations, have not always been used effectively, according to a report published today by the National Audit Office. The report finds that RIAs often failed to consider fully the cost and benefit of regulation, and did not take account of […]

  14. The Department for Transport: The failure of Metronet

    Report Value for money

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    A report today by the National Audit Office has found that the failure of Metronet – a private infrastructure company responsible for the maintenance and upgrade of sections of the London Underground – has led to an estimated direct loss to the taxpayer of between £170 million and £410 million. There has also been an […]

  15. The Shareholder Executive and Public Sector Businesses

    Report Value for money

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    The Shareholder Executive has improved government’s performance as owner of public businesses and is already producing some real financial gains for the public sector, according to a report out today by the National Audit Office. But increasing the Executive’s powers, such as expanding its remit to cover all public sector businesses and giving it greater […]