Search results for 'Risk management'

Showing 341 - 360 of 444 results

  1. A Safer Place to Work: Improving the management of health and safety risks to staff in NHS trusts

    Report Value for money

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    Head of the National Audit Office Sir John Bourn reported to Parliament today that, while there have been real improvements in the management of health and safety risks to staff in NHS trusts, progress overall is patchy. The number of reported accidents is increasing, the gap between the best and worst performing trusts is widening […]

  2. NIRS 2: Contract extension

    Report Value for money

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    The Inland Revenue, when required to make major enhancements to its national insurance computer system (NIRS 2) to accommodate significant legislative changes, decided to award a contract extension to Accenture, its existing supplier. And, according to a report from the National Audit Office, published today, the contract extension: offered better value for money than the […]

  3. HM Customs and Excise: Regulating Freight Imports from Outside the European Community

    Report Value for money

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    An NAO report has praised HM Customs and Excise for its effective regulation of imports from outside the European Union. There is, however, scope for improvement. According to the report to Parliament today by head of the NAO Sir John Bourn, Customs have adequate arrangements to ensure that importers pay the correct amount of duty […]

  4. Criminal Records Bureau: Delivering Safer Recruitment?

    Report Value for money

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    There were problems in performance during the first seven months after the launch of the Criminal Records Bureau but, following joint action by the Bureau, Capita and the Home Office, the Bureau is now delivering reliably each week over twice the number of Disclosures of criminal records undertaken by the police under the old arrangements. […]

  5. Government on the Web II

    Report Value for money

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    Presenting the report to Parliament Sir John Bourn, the head of the NAO, recognised the effort and resources being put into boosting central government presence on-line and in promoting e-government among local authorities. The Office of the e-Envoy has given a clear cultural lead from the centre to departments developing e-business initiatives. But to maximise […]

  6. Digital Services at the Border

    Press release

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    This report examines the Digital Services at the Border programme to assess whether it has delivered value for money.

  7. Decision support tool
    Annex E: Examples of funding models

    This page is part of our decision support tool. Generic funding model 1: ‘straightforward procurement’ Key features Channel Procurement Intermediaries No Degree of competition Open Duration of contract Three years Payment formula Linked to outputs/outcomes Mainly in arrears Monitoring and evaluation Focus on outputs/outcomes Inspection (risk-based) Illustrative scenario Strategic decisions The objectives of your programme […]

  8. The Customs Declaration Service

    Press release

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    HMRC has made progress in developing the new customs system, which was part of its existing programme, but it may need to be ready much earlier than originally planned if there is no agreement extending timescales on the transition to any new customs arrangements

  9. Reducing Costs in HM Revenue & Customs

    Report Value for money

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    HMRC faces a significant challenge in securing a £1.6 billion reduction in running costs over the next four years, at the same time as increasing tax revenues, improving customer service and achieving reductions in welfare payments.

  10. NHS (England) Summarised Accounts 2001- 02

    Report Financial audit

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    Head of the National Audit Office Sir John Bourn has published a report following his examination of each of the twenty three summarised accounts for the NHS in England. Today’s report draws attention to a number of issues, including the NHS’s overall financial performance, developments in accounting and internal control, fraud, and clinical negligence liabilities. […]

  11. Adult apprenticeships

    Report Value for money

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    Apprenticeships for adults offer a good return for the public money spent on them overall. However, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills could improve value for money significantly by targeting resources on areas where the greatest economic returns can be achieved.

  12. Department for International Development – Financial Management Report

    Report Value for money

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    DFID has improved its core financial management and has an ambitious programme underway to improve its focus on value for money. But it cannot yet assess important aspects of the value for money of the aid it has delivered, at an aggregated level.

  13. Pipes and Wires

    Report Value for money

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    Consumers of basic services delivered by pipes and wires have benefited from lower prices and more reliable services as a result of the way these networks have been regulated, according to a report published today by Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office. The approach to regulation does, however, have some inherent limitations […]

  14. HM Revenue & Customs: Management of Tax Debt

    Report Value for money

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    HMRC has improved how it manages debts owed to it by taxpayers, according to a report by the National Audit Office. The amount of money owed has reduced from 4.3 per cent of tax collected in 2005-06 to 3.8 per cent in 2007-08. The age of the direct tax debt has also reduced. Over the […]

  15. Ensuring food safety and standards

    Press release

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    This report examines the effectiveness of regulations to ensure that food is safe and is what it says it is.

  16. The impact of the 2007-08 changes to public service pensions

    Report Value for money

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    Changes made in 2007-08 to public service pension schemes are on course to deliver savings and stabilise pension costs. However the value for money of the changes cannot be demonstrated in the absence of a strategic assessment of their long term impact on staff motivation and retention.

  17. Hip replacements: getting it right first time

    Report Value for money

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that many NHS trusts and orthopaedic consultants apply good practice in the way that they handle total hip replacements. However, there are significant variations in performance, and there is need for good practice to be spread more widely for the benefit of […]