Search results for 'International'

Showing 341 - 360 of 616 results

  1. Successful commissioning toolkit
    Central government

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. Introduction Ministers ask a central government department to establish a scheme to improve safety on the road for cyclists. A policy manager is put in charge of this. She holds a meeting with internal stakeholders, including those responsible for service delivery, finance and legal advice. From this […]

  2. The UK border: preparedness for EU exit

    Press release

    Published on:

    This report assesses how prepared government departments are for the changes required at the border after EU exit.

  3. Department for Culture, Media and Sport Accounts 2011-12

    Report Financial audit

    Published on:

    The Comptroller & Auditor General’s audit opinion of the 2011-12 DCMS accounts was qualified due to the accounts not accurately reflecting the value of certain assets held within the Group.

  4. Ministry of Defence Accounts 2012-13

    Report Financial audit

    Published on:

    Amyas Morse, the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG), has qualified his audit opinion on the MOD’s 2012-13 accounts.

  5. Review of the data systems for the Cabinet Office


    Published on:

    Review of a sample of the data systems underpinning the input and impact indicators in the Cabinet Office’s Business Plan, Common Areas of Spend and wider management information.

  6. Review of the data systems for the Ministry of Justice


    Published on:

    Review of a sample of the data systems underpinning the input and impact indicators in the Ministry of Justice’s Business Plan, Common Areas of Spend and wider management information.

  7. Decision support tool
    Establish monitoring and evaluation scheme

    This page is part of our decision support tool. Monitoring Monitoring is about collecting information and assessing it. If a government organisation (‘funder’) has a financial agreement with an external organisation (‘provider’), the funder must monitor the provider to ensure regularity, propriety and value for money. Monitoring, both internally for providers and externally for funders […]

  8. Review of the data systems for the Ministry of Defence


    Published on:

    Review of a sample of the data systems underpinning the input and impact indicators in the Ministry of Defence’s Business Plan, Common Areas of Spend and wider management information.

  9. Decision support tool
    Applying the general principles

    This page is part of our decision support tool. You should interpret these principles flexibly to achieve desired ends through the most sensible means. The important considerations are: Focus on outcomes: do not focus unduly on the process of awarding funds. Your primary concern should be achieving the outcomes [Footnote 1] desired Empathy: if you […]

  10. Financial Management of the European Union

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Today Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament on developments in the financial management of European Union funds. His report summarises the main findings of the latest Annual Report by the European Court of Auditors, published in November 2004, which covers the management of the General Budget of the European […]

  11. Review of the data systems for HM Treasury


    Published on:

    Review of a sample of the data systems underpinning the input and impact indicators in HM Treasury’s Business Plan, Common Areas of Spend and wider management information.