Search results for 'Housing'

Showing 321 - 340 of 608 results

  1. Mobile technology in policing

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    A programme to equip frontline police officers with mobile devices, such as BlackBerrys and personal data assistants, has achieved a basic level of benefits. However, as the benefits for most forces do not extend beyond this basic level, then value for money has not yet been achieved from the £80 million of expenditure.

  2. Local Enterprise Partnerships: census findings

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This publication presents the results of our census of Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs). The census was conducted as part of our report Local Enterprise Partnerships, published in March 2016.

  3. Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 21


    Published on:

    Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 covering the period 2008-2011

    Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 21 led by the Department for Communities and Local Government: ‘Build more cohesive, empowered and active communities’

  4. Educating the next generation of scientists

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Department for Education has made good progress in improving take-up and achievement in areas such as A-Level maths and GCSE Triple Science. However, there has been less success in increasing the number of science teachers, improving take-up of A-Level physics and raising the standards of school science facilities.

  5. Delivering the Cancer Reform Strategy

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Improvements and efficiencies have been made in key areas of cancer care since the Cancer Reform Strategy was published. However, a lack of high quality information on costs of cancer services and their outcomes inhibits substantial further improvements.

  6. Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 20


    Published on:

    Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 covering the period 2008-2011

    Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 20 led by the Department for Communities and Local Government: ‘Increase long term housing supply and affordability’

  7. Confirmed impacts: NAO report influences better regulation of consumer credit

    Report Value for money

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    In March 2013, the Minister for Consumer Affairs, along with the Economic Secretary to the Treasury, confirmed in a statement in the House of Commons that the government has drawn on our analysis as it develops a new regulatory regime for consumer credit markets.

    This NAO impacts case study represents one example where there has been some beneficial change, whether financial or non-financial, resulting from our involvement.

  8. Management of NHS hospital productivity

    Report Value for money

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    Hospital productivity has fallen over the last ten years. There have been significant increases in  funding and hospitals have used this to deliver against national priorities, but they need to provide more leadership, management and clinical engagement to optimise the use of additional resources and deliver value for money.

  9. Regulation of private renting

    Press release

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    This report examines the extent to which the regulation of private renting supports DLUHC’s aim to ensure fairness for renters.

  10. Managing the welfare cap

    Report Value for money

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    The welfare cap is encouraging a greater understanding of spending on some benefits and tax credits across government, but it is important that processes for managing the cap are reliable.

  11. The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority’s Magnox contract

    Report Value for money

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    The NDA’s fundamental failures in the Magnox contract procurement raise serious questions about its understanding of procurement regulations and its ability to manage large, complex procurements.

  12. The Decent Homes Programme

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    It is estimated that over a million social homes have been improved by the Department for Communities and Local Government’s Decent Homes Programme, which aims to improve the condition of homes for social housing tenants. The Department has also provided funding to improve conditions for vulnerable households in private sector accommodation. But the National Audit Office […]

  13. The BBC’s implementation of Across the UK

    Press release

    Published on:

    The BBC has made progress transferring commissioning, production and journalism outside London, according to a new National Audit Office report.

  14. Regenerating the English Coalfields

    Report Value for money

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    Whitehall initiatives to revive former coalfield communities have helped to make them more attractive places to live and work but many remain among the most deprived areas in England and opportunities to help train local people and promote local businesses have been missed, the NAO has today reported. The regeneration effort has three strands: the […]

  15. Levelling up funding to local government

    Press release

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    Government is funding thousands of levelling up projects across the UK. But many of these deadlines are unlikely to be met.