Search results for 'Housing'

Showing 301 - 320 of 608 results

  1. Managing the transition to the reformed health system

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Although new organisations set up as part of the reformed health system were ready to start functioning on time, the transition to the system is not yet complete.

  2. Delivering the free entitlement to education for three- and four-year-olds

    Report Value for money

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    The Department for Education has made progress against many of its objectives in delivering the free entitlement to early education, but it must address variations in take-up, quality of provision and the impact on attainment in later years if it is to achieve value for money.

  3. Local authority capital expenditure and resourcing

    Report Interactive visualisation

    Published on:

    Explore the trends in capital expenditure and resourcing since 2010-11 and build a richer understanding of what they mean for different local authorities.

  4. Briefing for Health Select Committee


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    In March 2021, the C&AG submitted evidence to the Health and Social Care Committee inquiry into the Department of Health & Social Care’s White Paper, ‘Integration and Innovation: working together to improve health and social care’. This drew on the National Audit Office’s past body of work to highlight the main risks and opportunities the White Paper presents, both in terms of effective implementation of the proposed reforms and in terms of making progress towards overarching health and social care policy aims.

  5. The administration of the Scottish Rate of Income Tax 2016-17

    Report Value for money

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    Maintaining accurate address records of the 2.6 million Scottish taxpayers remains the biggest risk facing HM Revenue & Customs in ensuring that Scottish income tax is assessed and collected properly.

  6. Briefing for the Science and Technology Committee: Advanced Research Projects Agency


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    The House of Commons’ Science and Technology Committee has launched an inquiry into the nature and purpose of the proposed new funding agency for UK research, the Advanced Research Projects Agency.

    To support the inquiry, this briefing draws upon the National Audit Office’s work examining the use made of taxpayers’ money by public bodies. It sets out the basic principles established by HM Treasury governing the creation of new bodies and some of the questions that we regularly ask when assessing whether an organisation is set up to deliver value for money.

  7. Getting contracts right and responding if they go wrong

    Insight Opinion

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    Billions of pounds of cost increase due to contractual change, delays introducing communication networks for our emergency services, potential strains on Army personnel – our recent reports illustrate the huge importance of getting contracts right, and what organisations need to do if they go wrong. They also reinforce the principles discussed in previous posts in […]

  8. Programmes to help families facing multiple challenges

    Report Value for money

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    Two government programmes aiming to help families with multiple challenges, such as unemployment and anti-social behaviour, are starting to provide benefits but considerable challenges remain.

  9. The mortgage rescue scheme

    Report Value for money

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    The Mortgage Rescue Scheme, launched in January 2009 by the Department for Communities and Local Government, achieved fewer than half of the rescues expected. The Department helped 2,600 households avoid repossession and homelessness at a cost of in excess of £240 million – but it originally expected to help 6,000 households for £205 million.

  10. NAO work on transition grant and rural services delivery grant

    Report Value for money

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    In response to correspondence from Helen Goodman MP on behalf of 11 other MPs the NAO conducted an investigation into the Department for Communities and Local Government’s approach to the allocation of transition grant and rural service delivery grant (rural grant) for 2016-17.

  11. Evaluating the government balance sheet: pensions

    Report Value for money

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    We have published a series of reports which explore some of the major risks to public finances highlighted in the Whole of Government Accounts (WGA).

  12. The new generation electronic monitoring programme

    Report Value for money

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    The case for a huge expansion of electronic monitoring using GPS was unproven, but the Ministry of Justice pursued an overly ambitious and high risk strategy anyway. Ultimately it has not delivered.

  13. The failure of the FiReControl project

    Report Value for money

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    The project to replace the 46 Fire and Rescue Services’ local control rooms across England with nine purpose-built regional control centres linked by a new IT system has been a comprehensive failure, according to the National Audit Office. The Department for Communities and Local Government acted to cut its losses by terminating the contract in […]