Search results for 'Commercial and financial management'

Showing 301 - 320 of 634 results

  1. Lessons from PFI and other projects

    Report Value for money

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    Lessons from the large body of experience of using PFI can be applied to improve other forms of procurement. Government should also do more to act as an ‘intelligent customer’ in the procurement and management of projects.

  2. A framework for managing staff costs in a period of spending reduction

    Insight Good practice guides

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    This paper sets out a framework for effective management of staff costs in a  challenging environment of cost reduction in public services. It builds on the high level principles set out in the NAO’s short guide to structured cost reduction.

  3. Financing PFI projects in the credit crisis and the Treasury’s response

    Report Value for money

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    By setting up an Infrastructure Financing Unit, Treasury helped reactivate the lending market for private finance projects. While the costs for projects in 2009 represented value for money, Treasury should not presume that continuing the use of private finance at current rates will be value for money.

  4. A short guide to structured cost reduction

    Overview Short guide

    Published on:

    This paper highlights key issues for public bodies to consider in facing the challenge of adopting a more structured approach to cost reduction.

  5. Maintaining the financial stability of UK banks: Update on the support schemes

    Report Value for money

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    The scale of the support currently provided to UK banks has fallen from a peak of £955 billion to £512 billion, but the amount of cash currently borrowed by the Government to support banks has risen by £7 billion since December 2009. It is likely the taxpayer will be providing support for years to come.

  6. Performance of PFI Construction

    Report Value for money

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    This report examines how PFI performs to contracted timetable and to price.

  7. Regulating Network Rail’s efficiency

    Report Value for money

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    Limitations in Network Rail’s cost information has hampered the ability of the Office of Rail Regulation to assess efficiency savings.

  8. Financial Management Maturity Model

    Insight Good practice guides

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    Good financial management is at the core of good management in government. It supports decision making and the effective running of organisations.

  9. Successful commissioning toolkit

    Insight Good practice guides

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    The Successful Commissioning guide is useful for all commissioners, procurement officers and managers, and grants officers who work in local authorities and local health organisations, including in primary care trusts. Third sector organisations will find the tool useful in thinking about their involvement in delivering public services.

  10. Venture capital support to small businesses

    Report Value for money

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    Venture capital funds injected by government into young companies can provide benefit to them, allowing them to raise finance not available through conventional means and to grow. But so far the funds have not been managed as a programme and lack a robust framework of objectives to measure performance, according to a report published by […]

  11. PFI in housing

    Report Value for money

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    The use of PFI by local authorities to improve housing, usually in areas with a high need for housing and where stock condition is particularly poor, has had a measure of success. However, risks to value for money of the programme have not been managed.

  12. Maintaining financial stability across the United Kingdom’s banking system

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office has concluded that the public support provided to UK banks by the Treasury was justified, given the scale of the economic and social costs if one or more major banks had collapsed. In providing that support, moreover, the Treasury met two of the government’s principal objectives: protecting depositors’ money in banks and […]

  13. A review of collaborative procurement across the public sector

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office and the Audit Commission have today called for public bodies to work together much more effectively than they currently do to maximise savings from procurement activities.

  14. Business, Innovation and Skills: Helping over-indebted consumers

    Report Value for money

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    The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills’ (BIS’s) free face-to-face advice for people struggling with debt has helped more people than planned, at slightly less than the planned cost per person, and is highly regarded by those that use it. However, demand is now outstripping capacity.

  15. BBC savings and reform

    Press release

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    This report examines the BBC’s progress in delivering its savings and reform programme.