Search results for 'NHS'

Showing 261 - 280 of 347 results

  1. Services for people with rheumatoid arthritis

    Report Value for money

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    Too many people with rheumatoid arthritis are not being diagnosed or treated quickly enough, and some services for people with the disease are not coordinated enough, according to a report published today by the National Audit Office. Delay in treatment is detrimental to patients’ health, their quality of life and, with three quarters of people […]

  2. Improving dementia services in England – an interim report

    Report Value for money

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    The Department of Health has developed an ambitious and comprehensive strategy for dementia. However, there has not yet been a robust approach to implementation, according to a National Audit Office report published today. Despite the Department stating, since 2007, that dementia is now a national priority, it has not been given the levers or urgency […]

  3. Delivering the Cancer Reform Strategy

    Report Value for money

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    Improvements and efficiencies have been made in key areas of cancer care since the Cancer Reform Strategy was published. However, a lack of high quality information on costs of cancer services and their outcomes inhibits substantial further improvements.

  4. Charitable Funds Associated with NHS Bodies

    Report Value for money

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, told Parliament today that trustee bodies administering charitable funds associated with the NHS have made substantial progress in adopting high standards of corporate governance and have adequate controls in place to ensure that business is properly conducted. Sir John concludes that the current arrangements for supervision […]

  5. NHS (England) Summarised Accounts 1999-2000

    Report Financial audit

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    In a report to Parliament today, head of the National Audit Office Sir John Bourn gave the results of his annual examination of the 19 summarised accounts which cover the financial activities of the NHS in England. Sir John’s opinion on each of the 19 summarised accounts was unqualified. The report drew attention, however, to […]

  6. Achieving Improvements through Clinical Governance: A Progress Report on Implementation by NHS Trusts

    Report Value for money

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    A major initiative to secure better quality care by the NHS and improve patients’ confidence in its services has made early progress and is already delivering benefits. However, according to a report by the National Audit Office, progress in implementing ‘clinical governance’ is patchy, varying between and within NHS trusts and between the components of […]

  7. The Management of Surplus Property by Trusts in the NHS in England

    Report Value for money

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    A National Audit Office report today finds that NHS trusts need to do more to identify property they no longer need and dispose of it more quickly and effectively. Better management could bring forward some sales and release significant sums for use elsewhere in the NHS. The NHS has one of the largest estates in […]

  8. NHS (Scotland) Summarised Accounts 1998-99

    Report Financial audit

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today on the Summarised Accounts of the National Health Service in Scotland for 1998-99. The report describes the findings of the appointed auditors of the individual health bodies, discusses developments in accounting and financial control, considers the financial performance of the NHS in […]

  9. Managing staff costs in central government

    Report Value for money

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    Despite numbers of staff employed by central government falling slightly over the last decade, costs have increased by 10 per cent.

  10. A Safer Place to Work: Protecting NHS Hospital and Ambulance Staff from Violence and Aggression

    Report Value for money

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    Head of the National Audit Office, Sir John Bourn, reported to Parliament today that good progress has been made to improve the protection from violence given to NHS staff. However he said that more needs to be done particularly on risk assessment, staff training, follow up after an incident has been reported, and the establishment […]

  11. A Safer Place to Work: Improving the management of health and safety risks to staff in NHS trusts

    Report Value for money

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    Head of the National Audit Office Sir John Bourn reported to Parliament today that, while there have been real improvements in the management of health and safety risks to staff in NHS trusts, progress overall is patchy. The number of reported accidents is increasing, the gap between the best and worst performing trusts is widening […]

  12. Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre

    Press release

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    It is important that the services for vulnerable people at the Yarls Wood Immigration Removal Centre are delivered ‘right first time’ and this did not happen here. Steps are now being taken to address the problems but 35% of the recommendations from Her Majesty’s Inspector of Prisons’ 2015 inspection have not yet been implemented.

  13. NHS (England) Summarised Accounts 1998-99

    Report Financial audit

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    The Comptroller and Auditor General, Sir John Bourn, today reported to Parliament the results of his examination of the 17 Summarised Accounts* which cover the financial activities of the National Health Service in England, with an annual budget of some £36 billion. Sir John’s opinion on each of the summarised accounts is unqualified. His report […]

  14. NHS (Wales) Summarised Accounts 1998-99

    Report Financial audit

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, today reported to Parliament on the worsening financial performance of the NHS in Wales and the rising cost of clinical negligence claims. On the financial performance of the NHS in Wales: the underlying cumulative deficit of the NHS in Wales rose by £21.8 million in 1998-99 […]