Search results for 'Housing'

Showing 261 - 280 of 608 results

  1. Tackling problem debt

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This report aims to evaluate and conclude on HM Treasury’s overall approach to over-indebtedness.

  2. Council Tax Support

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Not all local authorities’ Council Tax support scheme will achieve the objectives outlined by the Department of Communities and Local Government.

  3. Cloud services: asking the right questions

    Insight Opinion

    Published on:

    Cloud services’ can bring cost and performance benefits. But they can also bring new challenges and risks. To help leaders oversee decision-making and implementation of cloud services, we recently published ‘Guidance for audit committees on cloud services’. The magazine, Public Sector Executive, invited us to outline the issues in the article The National Audit Office’s guide […]

  4. Police accountability: Landscape review

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The new policing oversight framework has been in place for a year but already there are gaps in the system with the potential to undermine accountability both to the Home Office and the public.

  5. Reducing modern slavery

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Until the government is able to establish effective oversight of the modern slavery system as a whole, it will not be able to significantly reduce the prevalence of modern slavery or show that it is achieving value for money.

  6. PFI in housing

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The use of PFI by local authorities to improve housing, usually in areas with a high need for housing and where stock condition is particularly poor, has had a measure of success. However, risks to value for money of the programme have not been managed.

  7. Maintaining strategic infrastructure: roads

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The lack of predictability of funding for highways authorities has practical implications for road networks and may lead to increased costs in the long term.

  8. Short Guides to Departments

    Overview Short guide

    Published on:

    The NAO is publishing a suite of short guides, one for each government department, to assist House of Commons Select Committees. Each guide summarizes what the department does, how much it costs, recent and planned changes, and what the relevant Committee might look out for across the department’s main business areas and services. Each guide is an interactive document.

  9. Rolling out Universal Credit

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    In this report, we assess the value for money of the Department for Work and Pensions’ introduction of Universal Credit.

  10. Progress report on the Regional Growth Fund

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Improvements have been made to the running of the Regional Growth Fund, but there is still a significant amount of public money to allocate through the Fund.

  11. Government’s management of legal aid

    Press release

    Published on:

    The Ministry of Justice does not know whether everyone eligible for legal aid can access it and government needs to do more to ensure the sustainability of the legal aid market if it is to achieve value for money.

  12. Investigation into the East West Rail project (Oxford – Cambridge)

    Press release

    Published on:

    Government needs to ensure its growth plans for Cambridge are aligned with its £6-7bn investment in a new regional railway (East West Rail, Oxford to Cambridge), so it can maximise the economic benefits of the line, a new report by the National Audit Office says.

  13. Local government in 2019: a pivotal year

    Insight Opinion

    Published on:

    2019 will be a pivotal year for local government in England. Numerous difficult and open-ended questions need rapid resolution, at a time when government focus and capacity is directed elsewhere. Drawing on a number of our recent reports, here I explore some of the challenges facing the sector, from budget cuts and growing social care […]

  14. Review: The NAO’s work on local delivery

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This briefing draws out findings from 46 NAO reports since 2008-09 that are relevant to local delivery. It communicates the wide range of work we have undertaken and the main lessons that have arisen from it.