Search results for 'Regulation'

Showing 241 - 260 of 617 results

  1. Vehicle and Operator Services Agency: Enforcement of regulations on commercial vehicles

    Report Value for money

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    The Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) has increased the number of dangerous commercial vehicles that it removes from the roads from 28,900 in 2007-08 to 36,500 in 2008-09, but the Agency could make better use of its resources and the effectiveness of its roadside checks is constrained according to a National Audit Office report […]

  2. NAO Business perceptions survey 2010

    Report Value for money

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    Over half of all businesses believe there is too much regulation, according to a survey of businesses commissioned by the National Audit Office and the Local Better Regulation Office. Although most businesses believe that the purpose of regulation is clear, over 60 per cent of businesses think that the level of regulation is an obstacle to their success.

  3. Programmes to help families facing multiple challenges

    Report Value for money

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    Two government programmes aiming to help families with multiple challenges, such as unemployment and anti-social behaviour, are starting to provide benefits but considerable challenges remain.

  4. The NAO’s work on regulatory reform

    Report Value for money

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    This briefing paper presents the Regulatory Reform Committee with an overview of regulatory reform, the background to the system and the recent work that the National Audit Office had conducted in the area.

  5. Managing conflicts of interest and keeping public trust

    Insight Opinion

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    High profile incidents remind individuals and organisations just how important it is to manage potential conflicts of interest. In March 2017, the Court of the Bank of England commissioned a review of the institution’s approach to managing conflicts of interest. The review was prompted by the resignation of Charlotte Hogg who had been Deputy Governor […]

  6. Managing disallowance risk

    Report Value for money

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    Since 2005, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has incurred a total of £642 million in financial penalties relating to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in England.

  7. Carrier Strike: The 2012 reversion decision

    Report Value for money

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    The MOD acted promptly to revert to the decision to buy the vertical take-off version of the Joint Strike Fighter but will have to manage significant risks.

  8. Assessing the impact of proposed new policies

    Report Value for money

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    Impact Assessments, used to assess the need for and the likely impact of proposed government policy interventions, do not yet consistently provide a sound basis for assessing the merits of different policy proposals. Further improvement in the quality and use of Impact Assessments is needed to achieve value for money. 

  9. Delivering regulatory reform

    Report Value for money

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    The Better Regulation Executive and government departments are not yet in a position to achieve value for money in their management of regulation. However, they have developed important elements of a structured approach to achieving sustainable reductions in regulatory costs and have delivered significant benefits.

  10. Confirmed impacts: Achieving value for money for the sale of government shares


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    This impacts case study shows how our review of the government’s sale of shares in Royal Mail led to the appointment of an expert panel that made recommendations about the whole system of Initial Public Offerings.

    It is one example of financial or non-financial benefits realised in 2014 as a result of our involvement, all of which are set out in our interactive PDF.

  11. Investigation into Police and Firefighters’ Pension Scheme Commutation factors

    Report Value for money

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    This looks at the chain of events which led to the government paying £711m in compensation to 34,000 pensioners who retired from the Police and Firefighters’ Pension Schemes between 2001 and 2006 without receiving their full pension entitlement. Due to the extent of the legal process in the case, some police and firefighters were retired for over 15 years before they received their full pension entitlement from government.