Search results for 'Employment'

Showing 241 - 260 of 344 results

  1. The Decent Homes Programme

    Report Value for money

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    It is estimated that over a million social homes have been improved by the Department for Communities and Local Government’s Decent Homes Programme, which aims to improve the condition of homes for social housing tenants. The Department has also provided funding to improve conditions for vulnerable households in private sector accommodation. But the National Audit Office […]

  2. Preparations for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games: Progress report February 2010

    Report Value for money

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    Venues and infrastructure for the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games are on track to be delivered on time for the Games and the cost is currently forecast to be within the £9,325 million budget for the Games announced in March 2007, according to a progress report to Parliament by the National Audit Office. However, […]

  3. Ofsted’s inspection of schools

    Press release

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    This report examines whether Ofsted’s approach to inspecting schools is providing value for money. We assessed Ofsted’s role, performance and impact.

  4. Managing the BBC’s workforce

    Press release

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    The BBC’s approach to managing its workforce shows definite progress. It will need to monitor workforce changes carefully to build on the recent progress it has made.

  5. Maintaining financial stability across the United Kingdom’s banking system

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office has concluded that the public support provided to UK banks by the Treasury was justified, given the scale of the economic and social costs if one or more major banks had collapsed. In providing that support, moreover, the Treasury met two of the government’s principal objectives: protecting depositors’ money in banks and […]

  6. The cost of public service pensions

    Report Value for money

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    There has been much public discussion about the affordability of public service pensions. To inform that debate, the National Audit Office has today published a report designed to bring greater transparency to, and understanding of, the cash costs involved. Today’s report found: Total payments to more than 2 million pensioners in the UK’s four largest […]

  7. The Procurement of Criminal Legal Aid in England and Wales by the Legal Services Commission

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office has today reported to Parliament that there are risks to value for money from the way the Legal Services Commission (the LSC) administers and procures legal aid for criminal cases. In 2008-09, the Commission spent more than £1.1 billion on criminal legal aid – legal assistance for people suspected of or […]

  8. HM Revenue & Customs: Dealing with the tax obligations of older people

    Report Value for money

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    Older people are a growing group for HM Revenue & Customs and significant numbers pay too much or too little tax, according to a report released today by the National Audit Office. Errors occur because many people’s tax affairs become more complicated when they reach pension age and HMRC’s systems do not cope well with […]

  9. Meeting needs? The Offenders’ Learning and Skills Service

    Report Value for money

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    Many of the long standing problems in providing offenders with effective and useful learning and skills training have yet to be overcome following the establishment of the Offenders’ Learning and Skills Service (OLASS). Offenders who find employment upon their release are less likely to reoffend, which is why improving their training and skills could contribute […]

  10. Benefit sanctions

    Press release

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    The Department for Work & Pensions is not doing enough to find out how sanctions affect people on benefits.

  11. Partnering for success: Preparing to deliver the 14-19 education reforms in England

    Report Value for money

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    The government’s reform programme to improve attainment and participation in education and training for 14 to 19 year olds has wide support at local level, including for the new Diplomas, which seek to blend general education with applied learning. The National Audit Office has today reported that the reform programme has met its key milestones […]

  12. Introduction of the new state pension

    Press release

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    The Department for Work and Pensions successfully managed the introduction of the new state pension, but it is not yet clear whether the simplified system will encourage people to save more for their retirement.

  13. NHS Pay Modernisation: New contracts for general practice services in England

    Report Value for money

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    The new contract for general practice has contributed to improved recruitment and retention of GPs, with numbers increasing from 26,833 to 30,931 since 2003. However, according to a report out today by the National Audit Office, the contract has cost the Department £1.76 billion more than it originally budgeted for. Today’s report found that, in […]

  14. The Regeneration of the Greenwich Peninsula: A Progress Report

    Report Value for money

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    The O2, a central part of plans to regenerate the Greenwich Peninsula, opened on time in June 2007 and has become a highly successful entertainment venue which has boosted local employment. According to the National Audit Office, however, housing development on the rest of the Peninsula is taking longer than originally expected, and financial returns […]

  15. Financial sustainability of schools

    Press release

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    The government’s approach to managing the risks to schools’ financial sustainability cannot be judged to be effective or providing value for money until more progress is made.

  16. HM Revenue & Customs: Managing variations in workload

    Report Value for money

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    HM Revenue & Customs faces large peaks in its workload but, by introducing different filing deadlines for paper and online Income Tax Self Assessment returns, it has smoothed some of those peaks. A National Audit Office report today found that, in 2007-08, HMRC received more than a quarter of the 4 million Tax Credit renewals […]

  17. Supporting Carers to Care

    Report Value for money

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    The majority of carers who receive benefits from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are satisfied with the support they receive, worth up to £2 billion a year. The Department is delivering carers’ benefits effectively and has made improvements in processing claims in the last few years. But at least a fifth have difficulties […]