Search results for 'Risk management'

Showing 181 - 200 of 444 results

  1. Decommissioning toolkit

    This page is part of our decommissioning toolkit. Include climate survey in measurement Apply performance management at team and individual level Celebrate sucesses – major and minor Foremost in our research was to understand the role of relationship measurement systems in support of the Gold Standard enabler, “Regular assessment of client contractor relationships”.The results are […]

  2. Decision support tool
    Establish monitoring and evaluation scheme

    This page is part of our decision support tool. Monitoring Monitoring is about collecting information and assessing it. If a government organisation (‘funder’) has a financial agreement with an external organisation (‘provider’), the funder must monitor the provider to ensure regularity, propriety and value for money. Monitoring, both internally for providers and externally for funders […]

  3. Successful commissioning toolkit
    Central government

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. Introduction Ministers ask a central government department to establish a scheme to improve safety on the road for cyclists. A policy manager is put in charge of this. She holds a meeting with internal stakeholders, including those responsible for service delivery, finance and legal advice. From this […]

  4. Successful commissioning toolkit
    Primary Care Trust

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. Introduction A charity for blind people approaches a Primary Care Trust (PCT) with a proposal for a health support service in the area. Under this, staff and volunteers of the charity would greet blind people at NHS establishments and welcome them and show them around safely.  For […]

  5. Decision support tool
    Build in full cost recovery

    This page is part of our decision support tool. Full cost recovery [Footnote 1] The government recognises that: No activity can be undertaken without its provider incurring central administrative costs A funder or commissioner has an interest in meeting its fair share of a provider’s central administrative costs because that will help to ensure that […]

  6. Decommissioning toolkit
    Project Processes

    This page is part of our decommissioning toolkit. Regular relationships assessment Clear information & clarity of purpose Fully share processes and measurement Combine hard and soft data reports Build challenge and big-picture into processes Harness innovation available from whole team Foremost in our research was to understand the role of relationship measurement systems in support […]

  7. Using our insight into EU Exit preparations to highlight learning for government

    Insight Opinion

    Published on:

    Given the wide-reaching impact of membership of the EU, preparing for the UK’s departure from the EU represented a significant challenge to government, with considerable potential consequences for businesses and citizens.   Our programme of work on EU Exit Over the last four years, the NAO has carried out a substantial programme of work on various […]

  8. The production and distribution of cash

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This report examines the role played by the public bodies involved in operating and overseeing the cash system.

  9. Digital transformation in the NHS

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This report considers the readiness of the government to deliver its ambitions for digital transformation in the NHS in England.

  10. Delivering the defence estate

    Press release

    Published on:

    The MoD has developed a strategy that identifies the estate it needs and the 25% of its estate it can dispose of by 2040. However, the strategy and current funding levels allow only for a partial reversal of the decline in the condition of the remaining estate. There is a significant risk that the poor condition of the estate will affect the Department’s ability to provide the defence capability needed.

  11. Completing Crossrail

    Press release

    Published on:

    This report examines the causes of the cost increases and delays to the Crossrail programme.

  12. Auditing the government’s response to COVID-19

    Insight Opinion

    Published on:

    I last posted to this blog in late April as the country was in the teeth of the COVID-19 pandemic, explaining how we were maintaining our operations and adjusting our work programme in the light of the government response to the virus. Now, in late July, most of the UK is gradually emerging from lockdown […]