Showing 181 - 194 of 194 results

  1. Improving Service Delivery: The Food Standards Agency

    Report Value for money

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    Executive Agencies can improve how they set targets and do more to ensure that their initiatives are leading to better delivery of services, Sir John Bourn, the Head of the National Audit Office reported today. He presented to Parliament four reports which assess how agencies are seeking to improve public services. Executive Agencies need to […]

  2. Reaping the Rewards of Agricultural Research

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    The successful commercialisation of intellectual property in agricultural research requires identifying the best opportunities for commercial exploitation of publicly financed research; obtaining further funds to develop and protect ideas; and managing risks when making deals and establishing spin-out companies. These points are brought out in a National Audit Office report today on the performance of […]

  3. Environment Agency: Protecting the Public from Waste

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    The Environment Agency has made much progress since its creation in 1996 in providing more consistent and professional regulation of the waste industry in England and Wales and in improving standards in the industry, according to a report today from the National Audit Office. The Agency could, however, provide more effective and efficient regulation by […]

  4. The 2001 Outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease

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    A National Audit Office report to Parliament today on the handling of the 2001 foot and mouth outbreak showed that the outbreak cost the public sector over £3 billion and the private sector more than £5 billion. According to head of the NAO Sir John Bourn, lessons to be learned from the outbreak, unprecedented in […]

  5. Dealing with pollution from ships

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    With one of the longest coastlines in Europe and an economy that relies on shipping for 95 per cent of its visible trade, the UK is at particular risk from marine pollution, which can have serious consequences for people, property and the environment. The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), an executive agency of the Department […]

  6. General lessons from a case of agricultural fraud

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    This article is taken from pages 14-15 of the NAO report Agricultural fraud: The case of Joseph Bowden – published February 2002 – and summarises the recommendations from this report.

  7. Agricultural Fraud: The case of Joseph Bowden

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    A National Audit Office report today highlights the lessons arising from the case of a farmer who committed one of the largest known frauds by an individual claiming subsidy under Common Agricultural Policy schemes in England. In October 2000 Joseph Bowden was sentenced to 30 months imprisonment for nine charges relating to false accounting and […]

  8. HM Customs and Excise: The Misuse and Smuggling of Hydrocarbon Oils

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    In November 2001, Customs produced estimates for the first time of the revenue loss from frauds on petrol and diesel. Customs estimated that in 2000 the loss could be between £450 million and £980 million in the UK, compared to revenue receipts of £22.6 billion on oils duties. Of this, diesel frauds on the UK […]

  9. Policy Development: Improving Air Quality

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    The development of the national Air Quality Strategy provides a good example of modern policy-making practices, and further improvements can be made, according to a National Audit Office report. The NAO used the development of the second Air Quality Strategy (published in January 2000) to examine the policy development processes of the former Department of […]

  10. Inland Flood Defence

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    A National Audit Office report today highlights research by MAFF that up to two million homes and buildings in England are in areas at risk of flooding. The key points in the report to Parliament by NAO head Sir John Bourn are that: while flood defences can reduce the risk or extent of damage, they […]

  11. Office of Gas and Electricity Markets: Giving Domestic Customers a Choice of Electricity Supplier

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, told Parliament today that since electricity supply competition began in September 1998 more than 6.5 million customers – one in four – have saved money by changing supplier. Domestic electricity customers as a whole have seen their electricity bills fall by some £750 million a year since […]

  12. Office of Water Services: Leakage and Water Efficiency

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, told Parliament today that, since the 1995 drought, leakage in England and Wales has been reduced by some 1.8 million cubic metres a day, equivalent to the amount of water used daily by more than 12 million people. The National Audit Office examined how the Office […]

  13. The Sheep Annual Premium Scheme in England

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, today reported to Parliament on the problems in the administration of the Sheep Annual Premium Scheme in England which led to the European Commission refusing to reimburse £27 million in respect of payments to farmers in England for 1993 to 1996. The report examines how the […]

  14. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: the Arable Area Payments Scheme

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, today reported to Parliament on the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food’s administration of the Arable Area Payments Scheme*. This is the largest European Union Common Agricultural Policy scheme in England with payments of £1.1 billion each year to some 47,000 farmers. The report examines the […]