Showing 121 - 140 of 169 results

  1. Performance measurement by regulators

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    This good practice guide aids improvement in performance measurement and reporting by regulators and other organisations seeking to deliver outcomes through third parties. It has been developed in collaboration with regulators and includes the NAO’s experience from working with them and examples of regulators’ good practice. It’s complemented by ‘Performance measurement: Good practice criteria and maturity model’.

  2. Accountability to Parliament for taxpayers’ money

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    The incentives on government Accounting Officers to prioritise value for money are weak compared to those associated with the day-to-day job of satisfying Ministers.

  3. Competitive and demand-led grants: good practice guide

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    The Cabinet Office estimates that government commits around £130 billion to grants each year – nearly 20% of all government spend. Grants are an important delivery mechanism for policy across government, not just centrally but also in agencies, local authorities and other bodies across the public sector.

  4. Environmental and sustainability metrics briefing

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    This briefing gives a high-level overview of the range of metrics that government uses to assess and report on sustainable development and environmental protection, and how these compare with good practice principles for a performance management framework.

  5. Managing business operations– what government needs to get right

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    We present here what we’ve been learning about the problems government faces in managing its business operations, the actions taken to address them, and our analysis of what government needs to focus on to get this right.

  6. Investigating the impact of out-of-hours GP services on A&E attendance rates: multilevel regression analysis

    Insight Audit methodology

    Published on:

    This series of papers summarises the methodological approaches we have taken in carrying out innovative or novel analysis. Such analysis is conducted under our statutory authority to examine and report to Parliament on the economy, efficiency and effectiveness with which government departments and other bodies have used their resources.

    The Audit insights papers are methodological summaries and do not make new observations about value for money.

  7. Principles Paper: Managing provider failure

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    This paper explores the principles departments should use to manage provider failure. There is room for improvement in the way failure of providers is considered and managed.

  8. Fraud and Error Stocktake

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    The government continues to lose large amounts of money through fraud and error overpayments and many vulnerable people get less support than they are entitled to.

  9. Welfare reform

    Insight Lessons learned

    Published on:

    It is important that the DWP use the hard lessons it learned from implementing its recent programme of welfare reforms to improve how it manages change and anticipates risk.

  10. Modelling of maternity services in England

    Insight Audit methodology

    Published on:

    This paper sets out how we used a modelling technique called ‘discrete event simulation’ to investigate a local maternity service.

  11. Mapping between different commissioners of healthcare

    Insight Audit methodology

    Published on:

    This paper sets out how we created look-up files to map between different commissioning geographies. This enabled us, for example, to estimate overall health funding at an area-level despite the different geographical bases of the various commissioners. We provide links to these look-up files.

  12. Conflicts of interest

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    This report outlines the importance of recognising and adequately managing conflicts of interest.

  13. Delivering value and accountability – CIMA and NAO expert panel report

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    Fiscal pressure on government departments is set to continue through the next Parliament, with citizen expectations continuing to rise. With the ‘more for less’ challenge continuing indefinitely and an increasingly complex public sector landscape, a strong and integrated finance function across government is crucial.

  14. Government whistleblowing policies

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    This report provides the context around whistleblowing and examines the procedures in place for whistleblowing within government departments.