Showing 41 - 60 of 65 results

  1. NAO Diversity Annual Report 2014-15

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    This report summarises our progress over the third year of the 2012-2015 strategy. As part of our commitment to the Public Sector Equality Duty we also publish equality data in our separate ‘Equality Information’ report.

  2. NAO Annual Report and Accounts 2014-15

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    The Annual Report highlights that, during 2014-15, we certified 442 accounts, published 65 major reports and supported 60 hearings of the Committee of Public Accounts. We have helped create £5.5 billion in savings across the public sector over the past five years, including £1.15 billion in 2014. Since 2010-11, we have reduced our net resource spend by 23%, after allowing for inflation.

  3. NAO Diversity Annual Report 2013-14

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    Diversity makes good business sense to the NAO. To achieve our ambitious strategy we need high-performing employees, drawn from as diverse and wide a talent pool as possible, working collaboratively. Our work covers the full range of public services delivered to all citizens. As such we need to keep in view the fairness with which public services are delivered and reflect this in our work, where appropriate, if we are to understand what matters to service users. Finally, as a public body we have a legal obligation to eliminate unlawful discrimination and promote equality and good relations in our own organisation.

  4. NAO Annual Report and Accounts 2013-14

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    The Annual Report highlights that, during 2013-14, we certified 427 accounts, published 66 value for money reports, supported 60 hearings of the Committee of Public Accounts and exceeded our cost reduction target. Our recommendations and reports helped government improve public services, and our work led to audited savings of almost £1.1 billion.

  5. NAO Diversity Annual Report 2012-13

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    To achieve our ambitious strategy we need high performing staff, drawn from as diverse and wide a talent pool as possible who work collaboratively together. Public services are delivered to a diverse society and we should, therefore, reflect diversity considerations in our value-for-money work where this will help our clients improve their services. As a public body we also have a legal obligation to eliminate unlawful discrimination and promote equality and good relations in our own organisation.

  6. NAO Annual Report and Accounts 2012-13

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    The Annual Report highlights that, during 2012-13, we certified 437 accounts, published 63 value for money reports, supported 57 hearings of the Committee of Public Accounts and met our efficiency targets. Our recommendations and reports helped government improve public services, and our work led to audited savings of almost £1.2 billion.

  7. NAO Diversity Annual Report 2011-12

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    An ambitious diversity programme that helps attract the best talent and encourages all staff to contribute fully is essential if we are to deliver our challenging corporate strategy.

  8. NAO Annual Report 2012

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    The NAO Annual Report highlights that, during 2011-12, we met all our targets. The NAO saved public money through the delivery of £1.1 billion in financial impacts while continuing to deliver in our core areas of expertise, auditing 458 accounts and publishing 60 value for money reports during the year.

  9. NAO Strategy 2012-13 to 2014-15

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    The NAO Strategy 2012-13 to 2014-15 sets out how we will apply the unique perspective of public audit to help Parliament and government drive lasting improvement in public services.

  10. NAO Diversity Annual Report 2010-11

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    Our work provides commentary on and analysis of the major public spending issues facing the country today. It is relevant to practitioners, public servants, taxpayers and the users of public services. To do this well we need to recruit, retain and motivate the best people drawing from the widest possible talent pool. Our diversity strategy is central to this.

  11. National Audit Office Annual Report 2011

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    Our work in the year led to audited financial impacts of more than £1 billion, improved services to citizens, and increased transparency and accountability.

  12. NAO Diversity Annual Report 2009-10

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    Our diversity strategy helps to support our success by enhancing our capacity through recruiting and retaining talented people from as wide a talent pool as possible, and by getting the best from our diverse workforce ensuring we all work well together and are motivated and supported to deliver the best we can.

  13. National Audit Office Strategy 2011-12 to 2013-14

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    The NAO Strategy 2011-12 to 2013-14 sets out how we will apply the unique perspective of public audit to help Parliament and government drive lasting improvement in public services.

  14. National Audit Office Annual Report 2010

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    Our work in the year led to audited financial impacts of £890 million, to improved services to citizens, and to increased transparency and accountability.

  15. National Audit Office Strategy 2010-11 to 2012-13

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    Introduction On 1 July 2009, the new National Audit Office (NAO) board structure took effect. For the first time in the history of the NAO, we have a Board with a non-executive Chairman and a majority of non-executive members, a Chartered Accountant as Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG), and a genuine Leadership Team. This strategy […]