Showing 21 - 40 of 65 results

  1. NAO Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2020-21

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    The Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Annual Report 2020-21 focuses on our achievements in the final year of our previous D&I Strategy 2018-21.  

  2. National Audit Supply Estimate 2021-22

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    This Estimate provides for expenditure by the National Audit Office. It covers the expenditure and associated non-cash items incurred in the provision of independent assurance to Parliament on the proper accounting for central government expenditure, revenue and assets, including compliance with laws and regulations, and in the economy, efficiency and effectiveness with which central government resources have been used; and the provision of independent assurance and information to a wide range of other public, international, and overseas bodies and to members of the public.

  3. NAO Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2019-20

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    In 2018 the National Audit Office (NAO) launched a new Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) strategy for the three years to 2021 and refreshed our D&I governance to provide a stronger framework of accountability. These developments are designed to accelerate our rate of progress in areas where we have made less tangible impact, help support our aspiration […]

  4. NAO Strategy 2020-2025

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    The National Audit Office (NAO) is the UK’s independent public spending watchdog. We have a five-year strategy from 2020 to 2025.

  5. NAO Annual Report and Accounts 2018-19

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    The NAO Annual Report and Accounts 2018-19 provides details about the NAO’s work and our performance.

  6. National Audit Office Strategy: Our strategy 2019-20 to 2021-22

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    We help Parliament hold government to account for spending public money and, in so doing, drive improvements in public services. To achieve this, we provide system wide, integrated and independent public audit, drawing on the distinctive framework of rights set out for us by Parliament.

  7. NAO Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2017-18

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    This report summarises our progress and activities over the final year of the 2015-2018 Diversity & Inclusion strategy. As part of our commitment to the Public Sector Equality Duty we also publish equality data in a separate report.

  8. National Audit Office: Our strategy 2018-2019 to 2020-2021

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    Our strategy 2018-2019 to 2020-2021 sets out how the NAO will meet new challenges and maximise our effectiveness to support Parliament in holding government to account and improving public services, and the resources we need to do this.

  9. NAO Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2016-17

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    This report summarises our progress over the second year of the 2015-2018 Diversity & Inclusion strategy. As part of our commitment to the Public Sector Equality Duty we also publish equality data in a separate report.

  10. NAO Annual Report and Accounts 2016-17

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    The government has agreed that Principal Accounting Officers of the main central government departments should provide a statement of their accountability systems, covering all of the relevant accountability relationships within the department, including relationships with arm’s length bodies and third party delivery partners in an Accounting Officer System Statement. This requirement does not apply to the NAO, but our accountability relationships and processes are set out in full in our Governance Statement and other sections of the Annual Report.

  11. National Audit Office: Our strategy 2017-2018 to 2019-2020

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    Our strategy 2017-2018 to 2019-2020 sets out how the NAO will meet our new challenges and maximise our effectiveness to support Parliament in holding government to account and improving public services, and the resources we need to do this.

  12. NAO Annual Report and Accounts 2015-16

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    The Annual Report highlights that, during 2015-16, we certified 368 accounts, published 65 reports on a wide range of public expenditure issues, supported 47 evidence sessions of the Committee of Public Accounts and met our efficiency targets. Our recommendations and reports on good practice helped government improve public services, and our work led to audited savings of £1.21 billion in 2015.

  13. NAO Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2015-16

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    This report summarises our progress over the first year of the 2015-2018 strategy. As part of our commitment to the Public Sector Equality Duty we also publish equality data in a separate report.

  14. National Audit Office: Our strategy 2016-17 to 2018-19

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    Our strategy 2016-17 to 2018-19 sets out how the NAO will meet our new challenges and maximise our effectiveness to support Parliament in holding government to account and improving public services, and the resources we need to do this.