Our Annual Report and Accounts 2022-23 shares our story and provides a detailed account of our performance and the impact of our work.  

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Our purpose is to support Parliament in holding government to account and to help improve public services through our high-quality audits. We continue to develop impactful recommendations to government that will have positive outcomes for people.

This report sets out what we have achieved in 2022-23.

Our work in numbers

  • 406 audit certifications published 
  • 62 value for money reports and wider assurance work published, including 40 reports on long-term value for money risks
  • 63 Committee of Public Accounts sessions supported
  • 11 good practice guides published spanning cross-government challenges
  • 10 departmental overviews published 

Key highlights

  • 91% of our recommendations to government were accepted or partially accepted
  • 94% of MPs say we are effective at supporting Parliament to hold government to account and scrutinise public services
  • 70% of senior officials in the bodies we audit agree that our work leads to better outcomes
  • We aim to achieve net zero emissions by 2029 and in 2022-23 our carbon emissions from electricity and gas were 744 tonnes, which met our sustainability target.
  • In terms of diversity and inclusion we increased the proportion of women in senior leadership roles (37%) and middle management grades (51%).

Financial impact 

  • We made a financial impact totalling £572 million, so for every £1 spent we made a return of £7
  • The Department for Health and Social Care has confirmed that actions taken resulting from our recommendations to improve the management of NHS property has already saved the NHS more than £180 million
  • Our recommendations to Ofgem to reduce the cost of electricity networks has so far saved the taxpayer more than £150 million
  • The Department for Work and Pensions has stated that it has saved £142 million in two years following our recommendations in reducing fraud in Universal Credit advances
